| 1. | Inle lake the biggest occasion of the lake inle 它是茵莱湖上最大的庆典, |
| 2. | The weather around inle lake and in shan state is quite pleasant all year round but cold at night from december to february 除每年十二月至次年二月天气稍微寒冷一些,全年的气候都是温和宜人的 |
| 3. | In other more isolated areas like kyaingtong , the shan hills , kalaw , pindaya , taunggyi , nyaung shwe and inle lake - generated power may not always be available 然而,在大部分伦僻孤立的地区如景东掸邦大山区克洛彬达雅东枝袅瑞和茵莱湖等地则不能全天天供应自给发动电力。 |
| 4. | A winter sweater or jacket and socks may be needed in the cool season when visiting up country especially around inle lake and kalaw when the weather can drop to near freezing during the night 游览上缅甸特别如茵莱湖和克洛等地一带时夜晚的气温有可能下降到接近冰点的温度,所以,您最好带上毛衣夹克和短袜。 |
| 5. | Inle lake is located about 30 km to the south of taunggyi which is about 730 km distance from yangon . it can be reached by road but there are daily flights to heho , some 40 km from taunggyi 茵莱湖位于东枝以南三十公里处,东枝距仰光约有七百三十公里,可以乘汽车前往,但每天都有航班开往海霍,此地距东枝约四十公里。 |
| 6. | Just a short plane flight away from yangon in the cool green highlands of shan state , and yet seemingly worlds apart from the rest of myanmar , lies inle lake in an area of outstanding natural beauty 从仰光乘坐飞机到掸邦高原就好象从繁华热闹的城市突然间来到世外桃源一样。您可以在茵莱湖上观看独特的天然景色。在这海拔 |
| 7. | These unique celebrations - such as the annual phaung daw oo pagoda festival around inle lake - offer a perfect chance to visit villages and join the locals as they celebrate their festivals throughout the year 这些独特的庆典,如“茵莱”湖上一年一度的“泡朵吴”佛塔节则是游览乡村和体会与本地人一起欢庆节日的最佳机会。 |